Daily Sagittarius Horoscope August 01 (01/08)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

August 01


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

Shouldering more responsibility would be helpful to you and others but only to a point. Before you consider going above the call of duty in some way, you need to consider what the benefits are to you of doing so and if youre taking on responsibilities that others should be speaking up and absorbing. Dont be too quick to believe that if something needs doing, it should be done by you. Be prepared to delegate, cooperate and collaborate.


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

Your powers of persuasion could be strong, and you could feel excited at how enthusiastically one idea is met by someone else, possibly a boss or authority figure. Your idea isnt the simplest one theyve heard, but it is undoubtedly one that has been thought through to ensure all bases are covered. Accept that youre owed some well-deserved praise now.


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

If we want respect, then we often have to command it. However, there are right and wrong ways of doing so. Respect cant be assumed, it has to be earned and in our efforts to earn it, we can sometimes be a bit too determined or heavy-handed. Thats something to bear in mind this week. It is very much within your ability to gain support from others where you want and need it. However, to attain it, youre going to have to lead by example and this should involve a very subtle strategy. Show others what you can do and what you need them to. A gentle approach will bring the results you need.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

Venus brings a greater sense of peace and harmony to relationships this month and possibly one in particular. If tension has existed between you and a certain person recently, then coming weeks could see this replaced with comfort and cooperation. A Full Moon on the 9th could bring a need to reassess something connected with your income and as one door closes, be prepared for another to open. You might need to be a bit more daring and imaginative where applying your talents is concerned and a course or training opportunity at month end might help with this!


health sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

You like to be part of a healthy relationships, whether with one person or with a whole group of people. For this reason, it can give you a lot of satisfaction to be part of a volunteer organization. You get to pick the cause of your choice and the people you meet are bound to be good people, like you, potentially with common interests. If you want to get in shape while you serve, look into \"walks\" or \"runs\" that raise money for worthy causes.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

With today\s transit, you may feel motivated to participate in some group activity that involves planning and helping others. Even if it\s a birthday party for a friend, respect this need of yours to be involved in spreading a sense of community. To experience a sense of participation to the fullest, be sure to exercise and get your blood circulating. When you feel physically engaged with your own strength, you are more grounded and ready to give.


health sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

It looks like you can afford to splurge more on your health. This is the time to prioritize your goals and set a fitness budget. You might want to join a gym, buy new exercise gear, or get involved in a sports club. The possibilities are endless. If you need treatment for an ongoing condition, this is the best time to get it. Give yourself the opportunity to thrive.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

The ongoing focus on a deeper sector of your chart could encourage transformation on an inner level by releasing any toxic emotions. The first three weeks of this month can be ideal for practicing letting go, so aspects of your health can then begin to improve. As Venus, your wellness planet, moves into your sector of relating, you may also find that being with good friends is the perfect tonic for you. Surrounding yourself with positive people may give you the boost you need. Joining a health club could also keep you on track regarding your fitness level.


love sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

The sky\s the limit today, as you discover that someone somewhere has some very positive feelings for you. It seems you will be caught unawares by the extravagance of their ardor. They may be promising you the Earth and Moon - but until you get them, don\t rush into anything. You may be feeling a little giddy from it all, so wait until you see how it all goes.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Sometimes we can just be together with our loved ones in silence, but today it is necessary to talk. This may be difficult, as you know you are on very rough ground over a certain issue. You need to make that first step to bridge the gulf that feels as though it is getting wider and wider. Use your innate courage and just jump. It won\t be as bad as you fear, and will provide much needed relief for both of you.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 10/10

Is your love life what you pictured it would be six months ago? Probably not. Theres no way to predict the future, but if you arent where youd like to be, make some changes. Its never too late to start over. You have your own unique dating style over the weekend, which puts you ahead of the competition. Theres only one you, and youre fantastic.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

At the Sun/Jupiter square on August 5, the key is doing a little less than you feel like doing. This aspect can lead to overconfidence, which could cause you to strive for a higher goal than is obtainable. Venus squares Neptune on August 17, this time causing the opposite lack of self-belief! Second-guessing yourself when it comes to romance is a no-go, so wait to ask anyone out until youre feeling more like yourself. You make your presence known during the Sun/Mars conjunction in Leo on August 26, so your invitations arent likely to be ignored. Taking a dignified, honorable approach to love is favored.


career sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Find a way to incorporate your artistic nature into your work and you will be successful. The victor will be the one who can infuse a more creative and imaginative twist on the situation. You are in the perfect position to let your true colors shine.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

More power will come to you with the more knowledge you have. Consider taking on a course of study at this time. The more you learn, the more valuable you will be and the more leverage you will have in the workplace. New skills are priceless.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

The best thing for you to do is jump in and get moving. Pay close attention to what other people say now. At the same time, don\t take any criticism personally. Allow others to talk without resisting what they say. This period is lucky for any new start. If you\re in a leadership position, the energy can help you build morale. Consider planning some training for new people in your organization.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 7/10

A handsome payment could arrive in the days around August 9. It feels wonderful to reap the benefits of your hard work. Use some of the income to raise your professional profile. Whether that means launching your own website or upgrading your computer or phone is immaterial. The important thing is to invest in your career success. You could land an overseas client on August 23. Maintaining this relationship will require effort on your part. Learn as much as you can about this customers culture. This knowledge will prove helpful when negotiating future deals and expanding your association.



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